
APP Poster

Please contact reception on 01324 812315 for further information

Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioners

If you have neck, back, muscle or other joint problems, instead of seeing a GP you may be given an appointment with one of our Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioners (APPs).   These are highly skilled physiotherapists who are able to carry out a thorough assessment and advise you on the most appropriate treatment plan.  They are able to carry out joint related injections, refer for x-ray and arrange other investigations.  They can also refer to other specialities such as orthopaedics or rheumatology.  They can arrange for appropriate pain relieving medication to be prescribed and fit notes provided.  If you require ongoing physiotherapy treatment they will refer you to Forth Valley physiotherapy services.  Useful patient advice on common muscle and joint conditions can be found on the following websites:

NHS 24:

Persistent pain:


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